SubTerra, Inc., and its team of associates offer a broad range of engineering services at each stage in the investigation, design, and construction of tunneling and underground excavation projects for civil construction and mining applications.
Design and Implementation of Site Investigation Programs, for new tunnels, focused on project specific geotechnical issues and design information needs, including site reconnaissance & mapping, layout and supervision of exploration plans, identification of laboratory and in-situ testing needs, instrumentation setup and monitoring.
Design and Implementation of Site Investigation Programs
Design and Implementation of Site Investigation Programs, for new tunnels, focused to project specific geotechnical issues and design information needs, including:
- Site reconnaissance and mapping
- Layout and supervision of exploration plans
- Identification of laboratory and in-situ testing needs
- Instrumentation setup and monitoring
Site Investigation Programs for Tunnel Refurbishment and/or Enlarging
Interpretation of Site Investigation Data
Interpretation of Site Investigation Data to provide geological characterization and a geotechnical framework for excavation design, risk assessment, and preparation of factual and interpretive reports.
Design and Engineering Services
Design and Engineering Services:
- Excavation method selection, including risk-based modeling of excavation system performance
- Review of contractor proposals
- Blast design, monitoring and optimization
- Design of ground support and monitoring systems including design with shotcrete, geotechnical instrumentation for support performance verification
- Seepage estimation and control
- Subsidence evaluation and monitoring
- Ventilation system design and surveys
- Tunnel refurbishment/water proofing design and specification
- Geotechnical Data Reports (GDR)
- Geotechnical Baseline Reports (GBR)
- Project planning, cost and schedule estimates, Design Drawings, Specification and Bid Document preparation.
Field Services During Construction
Field Services During Construction, including:
- Geologic and geotechnical mapping of excavations
- Monitoring of geotechnical instrumentation
- Review of geotechnical data, stability analyses, and support design
- Monitoring of excavation progress with respect to geotechnical conditions
- Monitoring of support design with respect to conditions encountered
- Construction management and quality assurance
- Assessment of contractual claims related to ground conditions
- Change Order evaluation and negotiation
Design & Engineering Services
- Excavation method selection, including risk-based modeling of excavation system performance
- Review of contractor proposals
- Blast design, monitoring and optimization
- Design of ground support and monitoring systems including design with shotcrete, geotechnical instrumentation for support performance verification
- Seepage estimation and control
- Subsidence evaluation and monitoring
- Ventilation system design and surveys
- Tunnel refurbishment/water proofing design and specification
- Geotechnical Data Reports (GDR)
- Geotechnical Baseline Reports (GBR)
- Project planning, cost and schedule estimates, Design Drawings, Specification and Bid Document preparation.

SubTerra, Inc. brings over twenty five (25) years of experience on over 100 completed Tunnel and Microtunnel projects. This experience includes Owner and Contractor Design, Design Review, Construction Management, Claims and Claims Management and Expert Support in Litigation. Projects include Conventional Excavation (drill-and-blast), NATM/SEM, TBM, EPBM, MTBM and a wide range of Pipe Jacking with tunnels as short as 40-ft and as long as 9-miles.
We specialize in Complex Designs providing simple solutions for Complex Projects using a full range of Design Tools and 3-D Modelling to demonstrate Complex Projects in advance of Construction.